Hairtail, yellow croaker, and other sea fishes are examples of marine fish. Marine fish is particularly nutrient-dense, with higher levels of minerals and vitamins than freshwater fish. DHA (also known as brain gold) is a substance found in marine fish that is not found in land animals or plants. It’s an important vitamin for brain growth. It is particularly crucial for memory and brain development. Not only that, but eating marine fish on a regular basis can help preserve the heart and brain, as well as minimize the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders.

According to the size of the fish, three forms of dorsal, ventral, and ventral dissection were used, and the internal organs were removed after dissection. Before the blood coagulates, use a brush to wash it in clean water one by one, put it in the frame, and drain the water.

Apply the salt equally to the fish body during the marinating stage, then layer the fish in the marinating pool with the meat facing up and the fish scales facing down. Until it reaches 10-15 cm beyond the pool’s mouth. Sprinkle another coating of sealing salt on top, cover the area with bamboo, and press the stone after another 4-5 hours. Determine the amount of salt to use based on the size of the fish, which is usually 18-24 kg for 100 kg of fish.



After marinating, wash the fish, drain the water and place it on a special drying tray. In the drying room, the drying time of marine fish is generally about 22-28 hours.

Drying a Cuttlefish

Squid, cuttlefish, fish, and other names for cuttlefish exist. Cuttlefish is brimming with hidden gems. It has a great nutritional and therapeutic value, as well as a crisp and pleasant flavor. Cuttlefish meat is high in protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and other nutrients that the human body need. It’s a healthy food that’s high in protein and low in fat. Cuttlefish eating can help prevent high blood lipids and arteriosclerosis, preserve the body’s cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, and boost liver immunity.

Cuttlefish drying process

Cuttlefish should be selected and classified according to size and freshness before belly opening, so as to facilitate uniform dryness during the drying process and facilitate grading and packaging of finished products.

Cuttlefish should be picked and categorised according to size and freshness before their bellies are opened, to ensure consistent drying and easier grading and packaging of finished products.

Put the eviscerated cuttlefish in a fish basket, about 5 kilograms per basket, and place it in seawater for dipping, and wash off the ink stains adhering to the cuttlefish body.

Cuttlefish drying generally requires drying at a relatively low temperature. If the temperature is too high, the protein will be denatured and the drying quality will be destroyed. The temperature is generally set at about 40 ℃, and at the same time, rapid drying should be avoided, which will cause the skin on the surface of the cuttlefish to form false drying. Under the condition of maintaining a large circulating air volume and high wind speed, the cuttlefish can fully contact with the air, and the water vapor evaporated by the cuttlefish is taken away under the action of the circulating wind, and then the water vapor is condensed and filtered by the unit and discharged to the outside of the room.

Cuttlefish drying should avoid water vapor remaining on the surface of the cuttlefish and inadequate drainage, resulting in the growth of germs, due to the high moisture content of cuttlefish and moisture existing in fat and oil.

Usually, the feeding amount of wet cuttlefish is 4-5 catties. After drying, 1 catties of dry cuttlefish can be obtained. The dried cuttlefish has good appearance and bright color, which can maintain the best effect.

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