The Airtek Ginger Drying Machine can dry wet ginger for only a few hours these can save you extra time and labor costs.

Ginger has a long history of planting in our country. It is a common medicinal and edible plant in daily life. Ginger is an essential condiment in the kitchen. After drying, it can be used for medicinal purposes, with pungent taste and heat. It has the functions of warming the middle and dispelling the cold, reversing the yang to relieve the pulse, and warming the lungs, and transforming the drink; it is produced in most parts of the country, mainly in Sichuan, Guizhou, etc.

Introducing Heat Pump Dryer Machine

Drying is an important step in the process of ginger processing. The choice of drying method and drying equipment are related to the quality of dried ginger, the retention of effective ingredients, and food hygiene and safety.

Compared with traditional drying, heat pump drying has a significant energy-saving effect, and the drying quality of dried materials is better maintained. It is especially suitable for drying sensitive and volatile products, which improves the quality of materials.

At the same time, the entire heat pump drying process adopts intelligent control technology and a variety of built-in drying process curves, which greatly saves labor costs and time.

Dried Ginger in India

Ginger is one of the most important spices in India. India is the largest producer of dry ginger in the world. It is about 0.683 million tons. 1/3rd of the production of ginger in the country is exported. Kerala is the largest producer of ginger accounting for more than 33% of the total country’s production.

Traditional Ginger Drying:
Fully developed rhizomes are harvested after 8 months of planting for the preparation of dry ginger. Remove the roots & leaves. Wash the rhizomes.

1. Soaking in water: The rhizomes are soaked overnight in cement water tubs for easy removal of skin.

2. Trampling: The rhizomes are trampled under feet in the tub. Avoid damage to epidermal cells containing flavoring oil.

3. Peeling: The skin is peeled off, with sharp bamboo knives. Don’t rupture epidermal cells. This step hastens the drying process.

4. Washing & Drying: The peeled rhizomes are washed & sundried for 3-4 days on the cement floor.

5. Polishing: After drying the rhizomes are polished by rubbing with a coarse cloth to remove all bits of skin or dirt. These are called unbleached ginger.

These drying techniques can be automated nowadays with the help of Heat Pump Dryers or Continuous Conveyor Type Drying machines. These machines can save you large space consumption as these machines can operate 24 hours. Fully automated and can be easily installed.

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